Boston: Hey Mom, I think we should get a lamb!
Me: Why?
Boston: Because lambs don't poop or pee.
I told him they actually do, and we couldn't get one.
So meanwhile they've been trying to find an animal I would approve of....and I caved. Yep, I let them get a kitty. (I kind of like the little thing..shhh) Unfortunately she does go to the bathroom, but at least for now she hasn't had an accident. Probably because my kids won't put her down. I think she's gonna forget how to walk at this rate. They love her! Alyssa came up with the name. She wanted either Isabelle or Claire and I told her Claire was easier to say, so that's what we named our new kitty.
The boys had their first day of preschool today. They love Miss Elke! I was ready for them to go back to school too. I think they get bored while I'm working.
I can't believe you caved and got a pet! I am really feeling the pressure now!!!
I can't believe you got a cat! And I can't believe school has even started for your boys.
Oh she's so cute Bets! And Alyssa did a great job picking out her name! Love you guys!
Oh, you're such a sucker. I love it.
Love the pictures. Claire is a cute kitty. Love, Mom
What a great mom you are! My kids don't even ask anymore for a pet. I can't handle them...the pets that is! Claire is a cute kitten! Good luck hopefully no messes! :) Oh and your little preschoolers look so cute!!
My kids don't start preschool until August 25th. I'm a little nervous for Tenli because I know she is not going to want me to leave. Both my kids go on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Your kitten is sooo cute. White cats are my favorite.
P.S. Tenli was telling Jett that she doesn't like boys and Jett said "what about Boston & Brock, you like them" and her response was "I like them I just don't like real boys".
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