Not only did I go to Blanding this weekend...I went BY MYSELF. Yes, you heard me right. I drove 5 hours alone, just me, my cell phone and the printed instructions of how to get there from Adrienne. I have to add this side note: HER instructions were better than my GPS (which didn't tell me to exit I-15 to go to Price) and the MapQuest instructions that were all too wordy for me to understand. I guess Adrienne knows the way I work and gave me perfect instructions. Thank you Adrienne:)
So I found myself leaving bright and early, excited for my new adventure. I got on the freeway. So far so good, I've driven the freeway before, so no big deal. I start listening to my iPod thinking I'm going to have so much whining kids in the back seat. Then I get to Springville. Adrienne's note says I need to take the Price exit which is right after Springville. Watch for the Price exit sign there are only 2 she says. So now I'm getting nervous because my GPS doesn't say anything about an exit. Practice deep breathing Betsy, you can do this. I think I'm getting dizzy. WHEW....And there we are...Price exit. Note to GPS: you suck, next time tell me when there is an exit that I need to go on.
The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful except for when the semi-truck driver honked at me as I was passing him. He gave me the honk**honk-honk** honk (you know the one that people use when they knock on your door if they know you.) Anyway my heart starts racing because I thought he was trying to tell me is my bumper flying off, or is a cop ahead and I'm speeding? Nope just a wave when I turn around and look at him. Please don't be friendly when I'm trying to concentrate on my drive. Honking stresses me out.
I make it to Blanding. Adrienne tells me it is a small town, so before I went down I had my own "visual" of what it and the people all look like. I pictured them to look either Amish or cowboy-ish. They were neither. Actually really cute nice people. It was fun. I got to see where everyone lives and I even got to go to the San Juan high football game. They won! (Probably for me right?! Cause I'm good luck.)
We went jogging the next morning. I've missed our morning jogs, so it was fun to do that again. Then we got ready and headed to Farmington, New Mexico. Yes, I traveled even further than Blanding. We shopped literally ALL day, and bought stuff for her dad's new office. It was so much fun! The only thing better than shopping, is shopping with someone's money other than my own. How great is that?
Sunday I went to church with her, and got to see her new ward. I felt really cool when someone knew who I was and said she heard I made wheat bread.
Thanks Adrienne for the fun weekend. I had a blast!
**I wanted to take one last picture before I left, and Jett (her 5 year old) took the pics. I love the 2nd one.