Friday, July 31, 2009


So for those of you who know my boys, you know how totally different they are. Brock WILL NOT let me comb his hair, and Boston...well I think enjoys it getting done. So I decided today while cutting their hair that I would let them have different hair. I thought Brock would love a buzz....WRONG.

I cut Boston's hair first, then started on Brock. Before I was even finished Brock was balling and telling me he wanted it like it was before. I was like OH CRAP! So I called Gentry and he just laughed cause he could hear Brock screaming in the background. So trying to make a peace offering I told him I'd cut steps into his hair. Well Boston was the one who wanted the steps. (Why would I even offer steps to him??? I have no idea...I guess I was just desperate to stop the crying.) Anyway long story short Boston has the steps and Brock is FINALLY ok with his buzz. Oh yeah, and Boston decided he wanted a buzz too.

Brock having an emotional breakdown over his haircut.

Boston BEFORE the buzz drama

All is well now that Boston has a buzz...oh and steps too. What was I thinking? Luckily they will grow out quick.

The lighting makes their buzz look weird I know, but in real life it doesn't look like they are going bald. I'll be honest, I just don't love buzz haircuts.


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

Cute boys.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Those are two handsome boys. Kinda reminds me of Gentry when he ha steps when he was little. Thanks for sharing that cute story.

Nielson Family said...

I forgot about steps. I'm sure if Jett saw your boys hair he'd want steps too. I really hope you'll be able to come visit at the end of August. I'm so excited.

The Bullocks said...

I have to say. I just love those boys. I think they are both so adorable. and they are so sweet. they look so cute buzzed hair and all.

Brittany said...

The steps are awesome!! They're never going to let you do anything else with they're hair now.:) They're going to request steps every time.