Michelle (we refer to her as 2 "L"because I have another sis in law Michele aka 1"L") and Janay.
Why is it that brothers never quite grow up?
Brock taking part in the cousins Cannon Ball contest.
Morgen...ouch this one's gonna hurt when she lands...nope she was fine.
And this is how you change a diaper on a kid in a half body cast.
Uncle Alan getting ready to show the kids his awesome Taco Dive...I think that's what he called it. Whatever it's called..the kids were very impressed.
Gentry and Scott
Missy, Mom and JT.
Grandma Betty
Boston and Haley. Boston loves to make funny faces for pictures.
Connor, Porter and Michele 1"L"
Sidenote story:
This morning my sis in law Michelle called to see if she could come get a dress her daughter left here and I told her to come on over. After I hung up Gentry asked who called and I told him Michelle. He said 1 "L" or 2 "L"? And I said 2 "L". Then he says which one is that? I told him Alan's wife. It's pretty funny after 7 years Gentry still doesn't know how they spell their names but he asks the question EVERY time. "1 L or 2 L?" Then I always have to say whether it's Matt's wife or Alan's wife. BOYS:)
Alyssa, Mac, Megan and Ally.
Thanks so much for posting all of those pictures Bets... but I think I might cry, I wish I was there!!! But the pictures were great to look at! I don't know the last time I saw Alan in person. I miss everybody and the family get togethers. The cousins have so much fun together! Thanks again! Love you guys and miss you!
OK, that picture of your brother is hilarious! It is cute how you all look a like! Good job on taking pictures of everyone. I need to do that!
Looks like you had lots of family fun! Love all the pictures! That picture of your nephew in the cast made me so sad...poor little guy!! What a lot of work to change a diaper! Glad you had a HAPPY 4th!
Great pictures! You have such a fun family. The picture of your brother in the background is hilarious. You look gorgeous, as always, in all the pictures! I'm sure you guys had so much fun hanging out together. I haven't seen Missy in so long... Tell her HI!! :o)
laughing so hard at the butt crack...where did you get your swim suit/cover up whatever that is? super cute!
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