Sunday, June 28, 2009

FREAKY FRIDAY...err I mean Saturday.

Saturday morning Gentry gets a call from his employee saying that he ran into a power line while driving the truck and it ruined the top of the truck. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, so Gentry took some pictures with his phone and emailed them to me. He had to stay while they wrote up a police report etc. Long story short, the Qwest line was hanging way too low, so when our employee went to turn around in the street the line took the top of the truck off. He's fine, but the truck didn't do so well. Qwest is supposed to pay for the damage, but if they are anything like my monthly bills it makes me nervous. (I'm always calling customer care because my bill is never right. I hate Qwest.)
Gentry likes to refer to this pic as "our new convertible".

This is the top of the truck.

We now are proud owners of our very own convertible....jealous? Let just hope it doesn't rain.


The Hulls said...

Wow... thats crazy! I hope it all gets fixed soon! Oh and thank you so much for all the shirts you gave me! I love them and I think I wore one everyday last week! So thanks!!!

Amy said...

Sweet convertible! That's so crazy. Hopefully Qwest comes through on their part.

Clements Family said...

Wow...I used to always want a convertible, how sweet that you have one, and even cooler that it is a truck!! Just kidding. That really stinks. I hope you get the money to get it fixed soon!!

The Lind's said...

That is awful. Too bad it just didn't take out the power line and not damage your truck. Hopefully it isn't a pain to get fixed. Good luck!

Clements Family said...

So...I was just getting on my blog and read your comment about Bella and my sister-the funny thing is, is that when I look at pictures from when we were little, she looks identical to my sister (ok, besides the fact that Bella is a little chubbier and her hair is a little darker). It is funny that you noticed...but you always pay attention to details!!

AngiDe said...

That is just nuts!! I can't believe the driver didn't get hurt. That must have scarred the crap out of him. I hope Qwest comes through and pays to get it fixed. Good luck!