Alyssa is in the middle of this pic...her skinny little I wish I had them:)
Our parents came to watch Alyssa. My sister Jennifer was in town and she came with her kids. My mom had to leave early...right after Alyssa's performance, and Reese wanted to stay so my dad came back with her so she could watch the rest of the show. She was glued to the performance. She wouldn't look at me while I was taking her picture....stinker:)
Last night while Gentry and I were trying to clean out the garage the kids were playing and keeping themselves busy with the new stuff that they were finding. I laughed when I saw this and had to get a picture of it. A few minutes later though I heard Brock crying because Boston wouldn't take his turn doing the pulling.
I love their faces in this picture. It makes me laugh.
Alyssa way to go. Wow, what a great performance.
Boston and Brock way to have fun. You both know how to use your imagination.
What fun, smart and absolutely wonderful grandchildren.
Wow that is so awesome that Alyssa knows how to do all of those things in gymnastics!! She is such a beautiful little girl! Where does she take gymnastics?
Alyssa looks so cute with her missing the smile!
OK can Alyssa be any cuter? She is gorgeous. Good job Alyssa!!!
So cute! Way to go Alyssa! I am impressed!! Love the pictures of your boys...what great buddies!
Alyssa is so cute! She really is good at gymnastics. It's funny because now Max tries to copy what Alyssa does. He will come home and try cartwheels and hand stands. The boys are so funny. Max tries that on our lawn with the sled. But Porter is not as good at pulling, so he gives up pretty quick. But I love the chair and the umbrella :)
those photos crack me up of hte boys on the sled in the cute!!!
Oh my gosh... Your little niece is darling. I love her little face...AND her name. SO cute. :o) She and Alyssa look a lot alike, I think! Your boys have to be the funniest kids ever. They're so creative. I have one like that...and I think I might go even crazier if I had two exactly like him. My Bo wears me out. :o) Yours must behave better than mine, 'cause I've never seen a picture where you're not SMILING! :o)
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