Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don't Speak Too Soon.

Well I've learned my lesson. I went blabbing my mouth about how good and easy my twins are getting...too soon. Here's the story:

So I took my kids to the beauty supply with me last week and as I was checking out the girls who worked there commented on how good my twins were. I was like..."Um are you talking to me?" Anyway I told them thanks and left the store on a complete HIGH! I couldn't believe MY KIDS got a compliment. Usually the comments I get are:
"Boy they sure are active."
"I bet they give you a run for your money."
"How old are they?"....(while mentally calculating the fact that they should be behaving better.)

So naturally I went to my friends house and told everyone how easy my twins are getting and that they are my little buddies etc. I was so proud they were getting to be so much better....DON'T SPEAK TOO SOON!

Literally THAT NIGHT, my dad was nice enough to take the kids so we could go see the premiere of Confessions of A Shopaholic. (We didn't get to see it though, there was a mix up with the theater.) Anyway we get home and my dad says "Well they were very active!"...meanwhile the toy room is a mess and they've amputated and beheaded all the barbies my mom owns. And then we get a call from Alyssa's school teacher AKA Grandma Cyndy, saying she put it nicely, giving her a run for her money. Wow talk about bad timing on my part.

So I am going to blame their bad behavior on the fact that we are READY FOR SPRING! I'm tired of being trapped in-doors, and I'm guessing they are feeling the same.

Oh yeah, the picture of the boys was taken at Cabela's. We thought it would be fun to take them let's just say I've never seen so much camouflage in my life. No bling to be seen...not my type of store:)


Cyndy Mikesell said...

READY FOR SPRING!! Yes siree or how about more snow? I hate the blah weather. Well enough about the weather. Let's get down to the cute grandkids. They all have their moments. But I love them all. This is Alyssa's teacher A.K.A grandma. Just so you all know being Alyssa's teacher has been such a great experience. And blessing. I would like to thank Betsy and Gentry for letting me have that chance to teach Alyssa and being so supportive as parents to me as their daughter's teacher. Problem solved with just a phone call. Your all great and I do love all of you.
Hey Betsy noticed your before and afters on the web. Your picture was beautiful.

AngiDe said...

I heard at Cabela's you can buy camouflage lingerie?!?! Crazy! Seriously some hunters are twisted =)

Greg and/or Angie said...

Just so you know, Alyssa is an angel in primary. No problems whatsoever! I about died when I started teaching Nattie last year. Let's just say it was a good wake up call and we had some good talks almost every Sunday after church. Angie

The Hulls said...

I agree with you on the indoors thing! I can't wait for spring. Yesterday was pretty nice so we actually went outside. Okay so Nate and I are trying to decide when we're coming. We're thinking the kids and I will come early, then Nate will come for a week then we're trying to decide if the kids and I will stay another week or go home with Nate. Miss you guys and love you!

Clements Family said...

Darn, you totally told us how good they were that day! That is boys for ya! My boys absolutely LOVE Cabella's...we visit often-not so fun, but it is free!!

Di said...

I knew you were lying when you said that about your little girls... I mean boys.. ha ha I love the way your blog book looks. I need to get on that soon. I kind of don't want to comment anymore now that I know it's going to be included in your next book :)

Anonymous said...

I have a similar "Cabelas" story. Jordans mom and dad this year asked me for a "hint" for Jordans gift this year. I tell them Sports Authority for ski gear. Well Christmas morning we open 2 gift cards to Sportsman's Warehouse!! Its similar to Cabelas-a whole lotta camo and no bags or bling. There was no amount on the cards so we get to the counter expecting 50-100, but instead we won the lottery there $300 at a hunting store! Thought you would appreciate that story. Coming to LA anytime soon??