For those of you who are wanting to create your blog book here is a link for a coupon to save 15%. They send me one for 10% for every referral off this link, so if your interested we both save:)
Here's the link:
Blogger Book
Use the code: MyBlog31MAR05723
I love my book, and I would totally recommend making a book, whether it's through this company or somewhere else. I have had fun reading it. Happy blog booking!
I've actually wanted to see what those look like..... thanks for tip on a good place to go to get one printed!
Thanks for the link...I'm off to check it out :)
I can't wait for my book. I'm soo excited! And even though they have their moments, your kids really are pretty good kids :) We definitely need to get them in soccer. We have cabin fever too and I am sick of being stuck inside. We should go sometime this week and sign them up. I think the deadline is Sat. Call me or I'll call you :)
Oh my gosh....I hve been seriously hounding myself about getting this blog are amazing!! You must read minds! how much did it cost you?? let me know cause im way excited!
YAY! I am so excited and have already started on my book... Thanks for the discount! :)
Love it! I am glad you posted it, but I still want to see it in person. Next time you need to bring it. We missed you on tuesday! Hope you liked the movie. I am SOOOO jealous.
I am so glad that you put this up here. I have been wondering how the books turn out! I want to see it in real life next time I get my hair done.
I like your book! I like that website, too! I used a different one for my first book, and I think I'll try yours for my second. I really liked how they set it up. Hope you guys are doing great and having lots of fun these days! :o)
that is so cool...was it very expensive or hard?
I'm with KJ how hard was it and how much did it cost. I am definitely interested in doing one. Thanks for the referral.
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