On Christmas Day we took the kids to see the movie Marley and Me. I thought it would be cute for them because it was rated PG. Man I noticed A LOT more having my kids there. I wouldn't recommend it...at least for kids my age.
We went to Gentry's parents house for dinner and the power went out just as we were getting ready to eat. Luckily everything was all cooked. So we enjoyed each others company by flashlight.
Cyndy gave the kids their presents and when I got home and was loading them on the computer Boston said to me "Mom Brock says when our eyes are red like that, it means we have special powers"...he was referring to the red eye. But that is Brock in a nutshell. He is always looking for a way to get "special powers."
I hope you all had a great holiday!
I love all the cute pictures of your family. You have such beautiful kids. I love the family picture in your header, too. I don't think I've ever seen a bad picture of you. Does one exist?? ha ha I'm glad you guys had such a fun Christmas. I'm surprised we didn't lose our power on Christmas... It was horrible out here. We were snowed in for the day...and the next day wasn't great either. Jason had to plow our neighborhood out. It was pretty funny. Happy New Year! :o)
What fun Christmas festivities you have had! I wanted to take the kids to that movie, but we went to Bedtime Stories instead. I love the special powers-I wish that was what the red eye really ment!
looks like you guys had a great christmas! And happy birthday!
We sure had a fun Christmas. I am so glad we have so much fun when we get together. Even in the dark! Spending the holidays with family what could be better!!!!???
hey Santa brought Tyson those hulk hands also.
I love seeing all of your family pictures. it kills me how old you nieces and nephews are. I honestly can't even recognize some of them.
I love your kids stories. they are so funny and so cute. I LOVE the angel costume. it kills me.
Your pictures are always so cute. It looks like you and your family had a great Christmas! We hope you have a fun New Year's Eve tonight!
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