My friend Heather called me a while ago and asked if she should throw a Christmas party with our friends. I told her it was my turn to host a party because everyone else has done the last few and it was my turn. So the deal was she was going to do the inviting so I just had to have the house.
So every year we play the gift game where each couple brings one $10 gift and one white elephant. Well a couple years ago my friend Katie (bless her heart) decided that a box of chocolates would be a great $10 gift (I think she even went over the $10 limit for the chocolates). I can't remember what her white elephant was but that's beside the point. So the game went on and we were at the end and noticed that we were missing a $10 gift. So I speak up and say wait a minute whose $10 gift have we not opened? No one responded...then Katie came around the corner with a red face and said "Ok everyone I know you didn't like the chocolates but that was MY $10 gift." We all about PEED our pants laughing because everyone was treating it like an unwanted white elephant....a few people tried to back-track and tell her it was a great gift we just had already had so much candy that we didn't want it. So Katie's ego was a little bruised and she came this year with a little anxiety about her gift. She even went over the limit trying to impress us with her gift. A few people fought over it, and even her white elephant was a hit. (I wish I had a pic to was pretty darn funny.) So good job Katie!!! I knew you could do it!:) I hope you enjoy our white elephant...the 90210 first season on DVD. (Yes that was our white elephant)
Lots of food, laughed a ton...doesn't get much better! Thank you Cyndy for taking the kids!
PS Katie, I hope you know I'm just giving you a hard time! We all love you and you make the party so much fun! We missed you while you were in Spokane!
I now realize that my hubby actually looks not too shabby with his mistake of a haircut :)
I feel so bad I was late and you got my decor as the "good gift" and I didn't spend $10 like I should have. I totally spaced it! Next time we go to dinner it's on me.
Thanks for being the host. Now that I have a bigger house I can start pitching in and take a turn.
Thanks for hosting the party! It was so much fun...I am SOOOOO sorry that we were so late. It doesn't help that we live further away then everyone, plus we had to drive out of our way to my Grandma's. No excuse is always so fun getting together!
You are always doing something fun with your friends... I think it's awesome. Maybe I'm a dork, but I would have loved your white elephant gift. My husband teases me all the time for loving 90210. I still watch the old ones on the Soap Network sometimes. Shhhh.... :o) Anyway, I'm glad you had fun.
so funny I just finished my blog and then I came and read yours to see if you put any pictures up of the big party, and our posts are almost the same.
I've been enjoying 90210 all afternoon. it's actually a big hit. in fact all of the bullocks want to take it to Mexico and watch it the whole way up.
isn't that my luck, even your white elephant was a hit, go figure.j/k.
thanks again for throwing the party, I always love them. Katie
you're so sweet. We loved visiting with you guys also. and I love your family. I hate that when you grow up you don't get to see your friend's families very ofter. they just always felt like a second family.
Thanks for hosting! We had a blast! & I am sad I didn't get the 90210 dvds!
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