Friday, November 14, 2008

Missing Treats

Boston came home from pre-school and couldn't find his chocolate treats anywhere. He was totally upset about it and I was trying to help him find it. My searching stopped when I took a look at Brock's mouth. (Keep in mind Brock chose a red sucker for his treat.) I asked Brock if he ate it and he said "No!" So let's let the jury decide this one.


Cyndy Mikesell said...

BROCK! BROCK! BROCK! What I want to know if he said GEES okay I did it. My vote Brock did it. Poor Boston tell him to come and get a treat out of grandma's candy drawer.:)

Clements Family said...

He for sure did it!!! How funny!

Amy said...

Hmmm... the evidence is pretty strong :)
Those faces in the pictures are too funny!

The Lind's said...

ahh- are you private again? Don't you love when google reader does the work for you!!

Your little guys are so cute! Brock is too funny! I think I might be tempted to steal the treat too!

Brett and Andrea Robinson said...

My Bridger did something like that a couple months ago... When he woke up he had chocolate all over (I'm talking ALL over) his face and on his pillow and when we asked him if he'd gotten into treats in the middle of the night, he kept denying it. We told him to go look in the mirror and he busted laughing, finally admiting to it. Gotta love 'em! :)

carrie said...

Those boys are so cute. I would have a hard time getting mad at one of those cute little faces. :o) Hey, did you decide not to do facebook? I tried to leave you a message, and I couldn't find you.

The Hulls said...

I love those pictures and I love those boys!! So thats why your new posts didn't come up on my blog're private. Nate says we should go private too.

Kristin said...

how can you accuse such a cute little face?