Cyndy took the kids for a few hours the other day so I could have a break from them to work. It was so nice. I didn't have a messy house when I got done.
Gentry went to pick them up and they were sporting these new T-shirts along with a few new stuffed animals. (My personal favorite, ha ha.) They had such a great time they couldn't stop talking about going to Target and picking out stuff from the dollar part. You'd think I've never bought them anything before. I think they thought it was cool to have a little "date" with Grandma. They had so much fun that by the time they got home they were ready to sleep..which Brock sat on the couch and really did fall asleep. Alyssa on the other hand had to miss out on an hour of playing because she had gymnastics, so she had a melt down and Grandma Cyndy gave in and let her stay a little longer which turned into an all night-er.
Thanks Cyndy the kids had a blast!
I think it is so funny they had such a great time because after ice-cream at Chick-Fill-a and a stop at Target. When they got to my house all they did was eat and watch movies. Oh what fun it is at Grandma's house. I do have to stock up on some more applesauce before Monday. They love that. I was glad to have them. They are so much fun!! The sleep over with Alyssa was fun too. We didn't do much color, drink hot chocolate, watch a movie. ELF. That was our fun night. We did have a lot of fun laughing at each other flaring our nostrils:). Good trick grandma taught Alyssa.
Now THAT is a dang good grandma. Now that my mom is gone the spoiling has stopped. Coy has 3 grandma's left and NONE of them offer that kind of fun, although one grandma is a different kind of fun, but still.....I wish coy had a fun grandma like your kids have!
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