So this is a proud parent moment. Alyssa was picked for the Honor Roll. Yes I know you are all thinking..."but isn't her grandma her teacher?" Well the answer is yes, BUT she said she picked Alyssa because she felt like she really did deserve it this month the theme was Self Discipline, and I must say Alyssa is really good in this area. If she wants to do it she will work her little rear until she masters it.
Here is what Cyndy wrote on her certificate:
Alyssa is a wonderful example of Self Discipline. She is motivated to do her work without any reminders. She is persistent in completing a task. She always does her best work and takes pride in her work. She helps her classmates by setting a good example for them. We are lucky to have Alyssa in our class this year.
I have to throw in the "brag" posts because this is my way of keeping a journal. Ok why am I making excuses for my own blog???? I can post what I want right?
That is so awesome and absolutely appropriate to post on your blog!!! She is adorable and that is great that she has self discipline at such a young age. Anyways, life is starting to slow down now that the summer is over, so we'll give you a call soon, we would love to get together and hang out!
Good job Alyssa!!! She's such a good example for your boys.
way to go Alyssa - what a cutie!!
And I LOVE all your family pictures! It really isn't fair how photogenic you are! :) How about next time I'm in Utah (for thanksgiving) you teach me how to curl my hair super cute like yours -k-!?!? I'm really serious :)
Oh man, I've never met Alyssa but I do know she's gotta be a smarty pants if she's betsy's little one! what a cutie. I've said it once and I'll say it again.. good job on the kiddos Bets.
Alyssa Good Job!! I am glad you are in my class this year. You really deserved the honor roll award.I am so proud of you and all you do in school to be your best. I love you. Thanks for all the help you give me after school. It is so fun to be your teacher!!
Love Mrs. Mikesell and also Grandma Cyndy:)
Yeah! Thats so neat! Im sure even if her grandma wasnt her teacher, she'd still deserve the reward! Thats such a great feeling im sure to have your child on an honor poor parents never got that experience with me:) haha. Cute little girl, she really is beautiful!
Nice job Alyssa!! Don't ever apologize for bragging about your kids. That is what mothers do. Who else will brag about them!! Alyssa is darling!!
First of all....BRAG AWAY!! :o) Alyssa is such a beautiful child...and she sounds like she's as smart and nice as she is pretty. Lucky her to be in Cyndy's class.... I would love for her to teach my kids. I'm sure Cyndy feels lucky to have Alyssa in her class, too, though. I'm sure she's an example to all the other kids.
You can totally is your own blog! That is so good of Alyssa!
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