So today is my sister Missy's birthday. My mom took us to Cafe Rio for lunch and bought our meals with the frequent buyer cards. (Yes my family visits Cafe Rio often enough to have 3 free meals.) Anyway I made my mom order the food because I get kind of embarrassed when they yell "FREE MEAL". She didn't mind, and for the first time in Cafe Rio history they didn't even yell...boy was she lucky.
I have to say I really look up to my sister. She was the nicest to me growing up when all of my other siblings (Jennifer being excluded, she's the angel) were mean to me. Of course I probably deserved everything they did to me from flushing my head in the toilet, to locking me in my room. Missy was the one who took time to french braid my hair, or put makeup on me. She always gave me the big sister talks when I was feeling down. I cried the day she got married because I thought I lost her. She always kept me around though:) She even let me stay with her for a week when she lived in Idaho. I needed that time with her. She is the sister you can always turn to for advice, and she will make you feel like a million bucks when you are done talking to her.
Happy Birthday MISSY!!!
What a nice post!! She will love that!! I have to agree with you about how nice she is. She has ALWAYS been so nice to me....even when people weren't especially being nice, if that makes sense. I have always liked her so much. She is such a great Mom to her kids, too. I admire her ENERGY and her strength..... Even when she has the right to be, I've never seen her grumpy. And....she always looks great. She knows we love her!! :o) I'm glad you guys had fun at Cafe Rio. I hope Missy has the rest of a great birthday....and I'm sure we'll be seeing her around really soon with basketball starting up. Matthew for sure wants to play with Scrubby. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MISSY!!
Thanks Betsy! You make me sound so nice- even I want to hang out with me!!! Lol!! You are too sweet- I was just looking down at Alyssa's award! She rocks! tell her I said so too:) and she looked so so cute! Tell her I said that too! She should've done a back walkover and really woooed them! Or jump into the splits!! that girl is cool!(that's Cooper says)
Why does that now suprise me that you make your mom order your "free meal"... lol. I love it.
Tell Missy Happy Birthday! She is such a pretty lady. Guess it runs in the family.
Ok, your little sis is adorable!
I just wanted to say thanks for your comment on my blog, that really means a lot to me. Hearing things like that makes it seem a bit easier. And don't think I posted that info just because you asked about him, there have been a lot of people wondering and I wanted them all to be aware... so thanks again.
I have to agree. Missy is so much fun and one of the nicest people you will ever meet. I am so glad that I get to be part of your fun family. You guys are all a blast to hang out with. It was so much fun on Saturday!
You are such a nerd for being embarrassed to use the free meal card.
You and your sisters are all beautiful you can tell in runs in the family :)
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