Saturday, December 21, 2013

Vegas Cheer Competition

Just weeks before Christmas Alyssa had a cheer competition in Vegas.  The boys came with us but thanks to Aunt Missy they didn't have to sit through days of cheer competition.  They were able to play with their cousins.  Alyssa stayed with us in our hotel room, and Kate also joined us.  Kate watched all of the cheer competitions and seemed to be content...which was great for us.  Alyssa loves having Kate around!

The competition had two big screens on each side of the floor.  They let you tweet messages and showed them on the big screen.  Basically Gentry was the only one tweeting so that kept us pretty entertained seeing what he was going to write next.  He came up with some pretty clever stuff.  I was dying laughing.  This is one of the first tweets.
 Morgan is one of Alyssa's friends.  She used to live across the street but recently moved.  It was fun to see her and her mom Elke.

 Trying to find Alyssa was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.  They all look so much alike.  Alyssa is in the very back center of this picture.

 Alyssa's group did really well the first day they didn't get any deductions and the second day they only got one deduction.  GOOD JOB GIRLS!  We were really proud of Alyssa.  She has been having a hard time with her round off back handspring but she threw it and did great!  

 They told us they were going to do the awards at 12:30, so we thought we had enough time (2 hours) to pick up the boys and drop off Kate.  Missy met us on the side of the freeway and we switched kids.  Thank goodness because as we are driving back Alyssa texts me and says they are doing awards.  I looked at the GPS and it said we had 20 minutes til arrival.  Gentry sped up and dropped Boston and I off at the back of the hotel while he and Brock parked.  I thought it would be a short cut but it ended up taking us forever.  We were literally sprinting to get to the awards.  I made it just as they announced them as the winners.  So this picture is nice and sweaty of me.  Boston turned to me as we were running and said "We sure are burning lots of calories!"  I was laughing.  He is my child!
Gentry made it seconds after Boston and I.  Apparently the parking garage is a little closer....oops.

 The girls even got jackets. 

 Alyssa's coach Michelle.

Here are a few tweets that showed up on the board.

1 comment:

Nielson Family said...

Oh my gosh, Alyssa is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!