Sunday, October 7, 2012

5 Million Pictures....

 Peter....the guy who always takes our family pictures, text me the other night.  Apparently he saw the pictures we took of ourselves up in the canyons last week.  He didn't think I did such a great job (but in my defense it was half iphone pictures and half set the camera and run and jump in the picture.)  Anyway he told me that he would do our family pictures if I would do a photo shoot like I had a few years ago with Adrienne.  Peter didn't realize that Adrienne was in town so when I text him back and told him she was here for another day we set up a photo shoot and this is what we got....I have to say it was pretty fun.  We laughed a lot.  THANKS PETER for putting up with our crazy selves.


The Hulls said...

You are both gorgeous!!! Of course we already knew that :) the pictures are awesome, Peter does such a great job! Love them all!

Heather said...

Wow! He got some gorgeous shots!

The Lind's said...

Seriously u both are beautiful! Those all turned out so good!!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

It's hard to believe you are both moms your both beautiful!!!

Peter Loosli said...

That post makes me sound like a jerk. That I didn't like your family pictures. Is that how it sounded when I told you? Maybe I am a jerk.