Saturday, June 2, 2012

Brock and Boston's Baptism Day

Today was Brock and Boston's baptism day.  I love these boys.  I still can't believe how quickly time flies.  (I know I hate when people say that, but this time it's true.)

Brock and Dad

 Boston and Dad
 A few weeks ago Gentry was talking to the boys and asking them who was going to baptize them, thinking they would say "You, Dad!"  But instead Boston said, "Hmmm, I think Connor".   We kind of laughed because Connor was leaving for Hawaii that day, but then we found out that he wasn't leaving until that long story short, Connor baptized Boston.  It was a special day for everyone!

 We gave the boys scriptures for their birthday with their names printed on them. 

 It was so fun to have so many friends and family support these boys!
 After the baptism we had everyone come to our house for lunch and swimming of course!

 Connor and his girlfriend Hailie.  The boys love when these two "babysit" them.  Because really it's just a fun craft making, game playing night.  They have a blast!
 Jennifer and Nate were here...she's having her baby in TWO DAYS!!! And we can't wait to meet the little guy!  (I've already named him Dash...we'll see what his parents choose.)
 My mom was nice enough to give the Holy Ghost talk....unfortunately she thought I told her the talk was on Baptism, so she had a talk all prepared on Baptism...she did a great job turning it into a Holy Ghost talk.  She even joined us in a game of Tornado afterwards.  (I have so many traits of my mother's...down to the way I shoot a basketball, and I love my Mom...but she's not any better at basketball than me.)  Grandma Betty was in town and I was glad she was able to make it to the baptism.  She even played a little basketball too.
 I'm so glad I have these fun sisters here!
It was such a fun day.  I mentioned to my friend that it was a sad day, but I only meant that it was sad because of how fast my boys are growing up.  I will say that they get more and more fun the older they get.  I'm so proud of them and the choice they made to be baptized.


S said...

What a special, special day this was. Boston and Brock we are so proud of the good choices you make. Alyssa what a great older sister you are and such a help to your mom and dad. We love all of you so much.

Nielson Family said...

Oh my gosh, the scriptures reminded me that I need to get them for Jett too. I'm kind of stressed out that I have to make all the arrangements for his baptism. All your pictures turned out great. Your dress is really pretty too.

Kristin said...

What a great day! So proud of those boys!!

Heather said...

Can't believe they're 8! What a special day.