Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quick Trip to Eagle Idaho

My brother Alan and his family moved to Eagle Idaho last summer, and I'd never been there to see their house.  He started his own Occulo-plastics office there.  It was so fun to see his office, his house and of course him and his family.

This is part of his waiting room area.  The whole office is beautiful.  I loved the paint colors too.  He has a ton of really cool pictures on the walls, I wish I would have taken more pics.
 When we got to their house we had to take a tour!
 Michele was so nice and had dinner all ready for us.
 Their yard is huge and beautiful.  I loved their whole neighborhood.
 I gave Alan a quick haircut while I was there....doesn't it look nice?!?
 Janay drove my car...I don't drive on freeways. 
Well now that I know how fun it is...I gotta bring my whole family back!


Nielson Family said...

A road trip sounds like so much fun...I had no idea Alan and his family moved to Idaho.

I love that your kids brought home fish. At this point I don't think Ian would even let the kids have a fish. He's convinced that we are NEVER having another pet.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Such a beautiful home and such a handsome bunch of kids.