Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Evening

We always go to Gentry's parents house for dinner on Christmas.  The kids love it because they always get one last present. 

This is front of the tree at Cyndy's house....we had already taken down our decorations.

 Alyssa took a pic of us...and I had to post it because GENTRY'S EYES ARE OPEN!  Even though his cheeks are a little swollen.  (I think he wants the sympathy anyway.)
 I swear I can't get a picture with his eyes open....really?!?

 Boston wanted a "Happy Napper" they're basically like a pillow pet, but he's been singing the commercial to me for months.  So he was EXCITED to get this!
 Brock with his Happy Napper.
 Brock, Boston and Bridger all loved the sling shots.  They were shooting each other with fluffy balls.
 Alyssa thinks Aeropostale stuff is pretty cool grown up right?!  She also got some fingernail polish that smells like Jolly Ranchers.  So she immediately went to paint her nails.

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