Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Double Digits!!!

Alyssa had her birthday yesterday.  I can't believe my baby girl is 10.  Wow, time flies!

So on Sunday Alyssa was begging to open a present.  I told her no about a million times.  She wrote on sticky notes around the house "PLEASE CAN I OPEN A PRESENT".  Literally they were EVERYWHERE.

So finally Gentry decided to let her open a present.  But when he brought it down I didn't recognize the wrapping...and I looked to him and he winked.  So I knew something was up.  Anyway Alyssa proceeds to open the "gift" and when she opened it, she found a candy toilet...that was already eaten.  I saw her face drop at the same time I hear Brock yell "HEY THAT IS MINE!".  I started laughing, which automatically stems Alyssa's crying.  So needless to say I felt bad and let her open a present TWO DAYS EARLY! (I swear she gets the impatience from me.)
This is before opening the fake gift.
 After a few tears we let her open a real gift after all.
She woke up at 4:45 but we made her wait til we got back from the 6:00

 Now she can keep up with her brothers since she got her own scooter.
 We took the boys to school and let her pick where she wanted breakfast...she picked Chick-fil-a of course!
 I made a cake...and it tasted lots better than it looks.
I forgot to call everyone to come over for cake, because we were leaving to meet Gentry...but I had just cut Matt's boys' hair and I told them to stay for a minute.  Grandma and Grandpa Mikesell had just stopped by too...

We took trax to see Dad at work, and he picked us up and took us to dinner.  The kids thought the trax was AWESOME!!!
 She picked Cafe Rio.
 A little popcorn from Dad's work.  She had a great day!


The Lind's said...

Happy Birthday to your baby girl! can't believe she is 10! As you know she is beautiful!!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

I love that girl!! Happy Birthday Alyssa so glad you had a good day!! You are such a pretty girl.

Kristin said...

What a fun win parents of the year! She is so cute, and getting so old, yikes!!

Nielson Family said...

Happy Birthday Alyssa!