Sunday, August 14, 2011

Busy week

Brock started collecting cans a few months ago.  Thanks to mine and Gentry's addiction to Diet Coke/Diet Dr. Pepper and the help of Grandparents...and cans he could find laying around in the neighborhood.  He struck it rich.  Yep, on the way home he wanted to stop at the D.I. I think he thought he could find something good.  When he didn't find anything at the D.I. he begged us to take him to Target where he found a skate board for $10 and a pair of socks and cotton candy from the dollar section.  He couldn't be happier.
They emptied all of the bags into little piles throughout the garage....I was a little irritated to say the least:)
 The kids wanted to count the cans before we turned them in....cause that seemed like a "good idea" to them.
The kids have all started collecting cans after seeing how much money Brock made.  (He made $13.20 which might as well be a million dollars to my kids.)

Gentry started his new job at Nate Wade Subaru this week.  He says he really likes it so far! 

We went to my Mom's house for the August birthday dinner.  It was Max's (aka Buzz) birthday...but she was out of candles so why not try Q-tips right?


Annika said...

I didn't know that Gentry got a new job!?!
K, now we really need to go to lunch to catch up!!! Hope it is all for the best!

Heather said...

I think I'm gonna start collecting cans! Hope Gentry's new job goes well!!!

The Lind's said...

Qtip!! Brilliant!! Ur mom is the cutest little lady...I still laugh when I think of her driving down the road telling the rude driver he was a "poor sport" oh and all of the other cute things she used to say!! Good job on the can collecting!:) and glad gentry is liking his new job!!

S said...

I better take our cans out of the recycle barrel. The Q-tips did work.

Andrea said...

My friends Shellie and Madi work at Nate Subaru! Hope Gentry enjoys it there! Your kids are so dang cute, awesome job on the can collecting!