But Sunday morning I woke up to this. For some reason my kids didn't feel the same way I did about the snow. They enjoyed it.
As if the snow wasn't bad enough Sunday night we went for a family dinner to my sister Janay's house. Her son Connor decided to give away his pet rats. And guess who the lucky recipients were...you got it, MY FAMILY! Argh! I distinctly remember telling my kids NO, and then when they kept asking I said "Go bug your Dad!"....whoops, my mistake, I forget Gentry likes just about EVERY animal. Needless to say, he caved and we are now owners of not one but TWO RATS.
Alyssa and her friend Morgan.
The boys LOVE the rats. They pray every night that I will let them keep the rats, and that we can "afford" them. I laughed when they said that...guess I can't tell them rats are too expensive, they offered to pay for them.
The kids named the rats JoJo and Speedy. Alyssa and Boston voted Clementine, but Brock thought Speedy sounded better. Who knows, I'm sure they'll have new names next week...if I keep them that is.
I love that Brock creates his own capes to wear from old blankets and clips. He does have real capes, he just prefers to make them. Brock story:
The other day I Boston was crying that he wanted to play with a friend so I told him to play with Brock. Boston replied with "But Mom, all Brock ever wants to do is build rockets and watch Sandlot." I looked out the back window to see Brock "building a rocket" and minutes later Brock came in and headed downstairs. Next thing I know I hear Alyssa's friend saying "Brock, why are you watching Sandlot again, you watched it 10 times yesterday." Boston knows his brother too well.
Love the pictures and love the comments your children make. They all look so happy with the new rats.
You always have fun things to blog about!
The only animal I can't be around (they give me the heebeegeebees)...
you realize I can never be your friend now, right?
Oh my goodness. I can't believe you got rats! That is one animal I just can't do!!!
I love the picture of the boys in the snow! Rats are fun pets I am sure they will have a good time with them.
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