Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1st Day of School!

Well today my babies started kindergarten!  I can't believe it...I think I'm excited for them?!?
Brock wanted to wear his skipchurs...aka sketchers.
I told the boys they could each pick their own shirt for the first day of school and they decided on the same shirt when we were at the store.
Brock gotta love the peace sign.

Boston wanted to wear these shoes because he had a scratch on the back of his heel and the other shoes hurt his foot.  I think it's gonna be a hard adjustment for him not being able to wear flip flops.
The boys both wanted the same backpack too.  I was surprised they picked these because they had camo last year.
Oh yeah...meet Claire's new best friend BELLE.
(Although Claire doesn't really like her yet.)
  She's been a pretty good little kitty.  She's not quite aware of Claire's dislike...yet.
Awe...I'm gonna miss these guys:)
On their way...


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

The pictures are darling but it is hard on me how fast they are growing. It was fun to see Boston, Brock and Buzz at school today with their great big smiles.

The Hulls said...

Man, I can't believe they are old enough to be in school! Really?!? Seriously where does the time go?!? They look so cute and so grown up! Love you guys!!

Clements Family said...

They look all grown up! How exciting...what are you going to do with yourself while ALL your kids are at school?!?!

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Gosh such grown up little boys.:) It's fun for me I get to see them everyday!

Di said...

Is it just me or am I seeing in the first picture of that lovely feline that the first chance he get's he is either going to bite his way free of that death grip or claw someones eyes out, whichever comes first???? This is Tyler by the way, and remember say no to drugs......

Johnston Family said...

So cute! It's going to be hard on me when Cam starts in a couple of weeks. And I know that it is going to be a Huge adjustment for him when he can't wear flip flops to school. Why is that a rule?

missy :) said...

BETSY!!!!! I can't believe they are so old, and so cute its painful!!! I was seriously emotional looking at those sweetest little smiles!! I really think its crazy that our babies are so old!.... but WTC!!! (what the crap) kids all go to school and you get another live animal!?!? she is really cute (of course I'm all for it!:)

Annika said...

Hope their first day was fabulous...for you and them!