Saturday, June 19, 2010

Karate Kid

We decided that since we live so close to the District that we should all take a walk to the movie Karate Kid today. The kids thought it was fun.

When we got home Brock wanted to show Gentry his Karate Moves. This video makes me laugh because I love how he introduces himself as Brock and then he gives the camera the "come fight me" hand motion....I don't know
where he comes up with this stuff.


Nick and Amera said...

I want to see that movie so bad! It looks soooo good! your boys...where do they come up with half the stuff they do??! they are sooooo fun though.....atlest you can count on them for a laugh every day!

gentry said...


Cyndy Mikesell said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so funny! I loved it! I can't wait for him to show me in person!
Karate Kid Brock!! You Rock!!

Annika said...

He has some good moves! I had to laugh at your comment on my birthday post. That was for my nephew, Banks is only 2!