Sunday, May 16, 2010

Does Mine Look Like Brock's???

Gentry wanted me to give the boys another obnoxious haircut and so I did. I was laughing so hard because later in the day Boston came up to Gentry and said "Does my hair look like Brock's?" Gentry said "No, yours looks normal" and Boston said "Oh good!"...Luckily Boston can't see the back of his head.
 Brock's haircut
Boston's haircut:)
Don't worry Mom, I can always fix it later...

One more quick story:
Brock came in a few mornings ago with a dollar and some change and said "Mom, is this enough money to buy skipchurs?"  I looked at him and I was so proud to be his mom.  I couldn't believe he would ask if he could buy his own SCRIPTURES.  So I repeated "You want to buy your own scriptures Brock?"  He looked at me really weird and said "No, Mom know the shoes with the lights!"  Immediately I was let down, I thought my sweet little boy wanted scriptures....well I was wrong he wanted SKETCHERS.


Clements Family said...

That is the funniest story...I thought it was scriptures at first too!

missy :) said...

Betsy, Betsy, that is one of those super harsh moments! Just when you think you've taught them the "right way" nope... just like every other boy who loves the blinking shoes! However, sleep well knowing your lil'Brock will be the only kid making sure he prints off a coupon online for a better deal!! yes- your kids are fantastic just like you:) if it makes you feel better JT asked if he could use my scriptures for church- I was like of course! knowing I was a super great mom... he returned them after primary, he said he didn't need them, they didn't sing scripture power... that was a while ago- still stings:)
ps- LOVE the haircuts!!!My boys will be painfully jealous!!! oh and Cooper had the best time with your family!!

Brittany said...

Yea, I immediatly thought scriptures when I read that too. was a proud mom moment for a minute or so huh?:)