Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It has been super windy here today.  I feel like I can't even go outside without being blown over.  My boys were playing outside and then I saw them put these goggles on.  I asked what they were doing and they said they couldn't see because stuff kept blowing in their eyes.  So they decided to use goggles.  See I guess my squinty eyes come in handy during wind storms...my kids didn't inherit them so they have to use goggles.  Look who's special now:)  Um they even have the goggles upside down.


Heather said...

Have you ever seen Multiplicity? You're boys look like the guy on there. So funny!

Brittany said...

HA!! I drove through that nasty wind all the way to Lovelock. It was horrible! My car took quite the beating from tumbleweeds.:( Hey, I wanted to thank you for wanting to help my mom with my baby shower. That's so sweet! I really appreciate it!

The Bullocks said...

hey I think those are some pretty smart boys. thinking ahead.

Kaydee and the boys said...

Yes, but that doesn't explain the helmet. They're so entertaining - Can I borrow them for a while?

McInnes Family said...

They are soo hilarious! My boys would have just come inside :) I love that they make the best of it! Max thinks they are so funny! So fun that you guys went to see Legally Blonde. I knew that one of the McInnes sisters would have to make it to see the play at some point :)

missy :) said...

Those two cute boys are so funny! I love that they do just about everything together!! I am at work and my patient I am sitting with feel asleep ( off and on) and I am trying to stay awake, my eyyes are blurry so I thought I'll just look at your pictures and everyone is so cute but I had to comment! LOVE the GOGGLES!! I think they must stay better upside down, cooper does that... well with his ears bent in half too..... special children we have! love ya sis! ps- I think about ya all the time at work- I will be excited to see you more at the soccer games:)