Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hole in the wall...not the first time either.

Brock was playing in his room after bath time and he told me that he needed to wear these glasses because he could see "a whole new world" with them on. I laughed because he was really trying to convince me he needed them. He said his eyes hurt if he didn't have them on. I took a picture of him (shocked that he was wearing them because they are Alyssa's fake and also pink glasses).
Shortly after Boston said he wanted his picture with them on too.
They started acting silly and I told them I needed to put them in Alyssa's room before they got broken. (Or as they would say brooked.) They both wanted a last turn to try them on and Brock thought Boston had a longer turn so he got mad at Boston's taunting and threw Boston into the wall. Now leaving my walls with ANOTHER hole, from Boston's head.
The last hole was from Boston's forehead and it literally took YEARS before we finally fixed it. So I'm sure it will take just as long for this hole to be repaired....why is it so hard to fix this kind of crap?
The pictures were taken with my cell phone so they're not the best. Oh well, you get the idea:)


Al and Suzie McInnes said...

They were so good at our house today. They play so well together.

The Hulls said...

They look great with the glasses! :) So that hole was made with Boston's head?!

Clements Family said...

Oh, those boys of yours! Hope his head didn't hurt to bad!
I agree with you, it does take forever to fix those little things that happen in the house. Who knows why!!!
PS, I am going back to GTU in March! Yea!!!

Kaydee and the boys said...

That is one rock-hard head.

Cyndy Mikesell said...

Boston you look so cute with a missing tooth. I am glad the tooth fairy was so good to you.

carrie said...

The joys of boys, huh? :o) They sure are cute though. I love their little smiles...and they're adorable with the glasses on, too.