Well lately my boys have been discovering things...here are a few.
Brock decided to tap the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree...with a screw driver. We now know that it breaks the light bulbs and glass shatters everywhere. Of course Brock wanted to try it on at least 10 bulbs. Just to make sure.
Those Easy Bake ovens can burn marshmallows. We discovered that yesterday when I went down stairs to smell something smoking. Boston thought that would be a great way to roast marshmallows. Not my proudest moment.
If you pull hard enough on the arm of the snowman decoration...it will come off. Thanks boys:)
Only 2 weeks until Christmas! Wahoo!
Happy Holidays!
Oh Man boys are crazy at any age! Your a good woman to raise two of them ;) I certainly couldn't do it.
love the pix
I love it. and I love the picture that goes with it.
What funny little boys you have! And love the picture!
Yea for only two weeks left until Christmas!
Hope your decorations will last until the big day :)
I love that they are discovering so many news things and have each other to discover them with.
Your patience is astounding!!
Silly boys! You'll look back and laugh! Love the picture! Lauren thinks our Christmas tree ornaments are new toys...so the tree is looking bare! sp? I am happy to say I am just glad we finally got the tree up! :)
Boys gotta love them at least they didnt' start your real oven on fire that will be next ahhh!
Betsy, I love your posts...and I loved your Christmas card and poem. You guys are the cutest. I am late, as usual, with getting my cards out. They're sitting right here by me at the table...and they will either go out today or Monday. ha ha I hope you guys are enjoying the holidays.... I'm sure you are! BTW, my son saw your picture hanging up w/all the other Christmas cards and he asked me to get it down so he could see it closer. He just looked at me and then raised his eyebrows. ha ha Jason and I were dying laughing. He's only 4....but he thought you were pretty hot! :o) Jason and I both think you need to be on TV or something. You are so pretty and so photogenic. MERRY CHRISTMAS! xoxo
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