I told Alyssa she could take two friends with her to lunch and the movies. She picked Brynlee and Morgan. Gentry ended up taking them to the movies so I could run some last minute errands. The girls sat a few rows in front of Gentry so they could feel grown up:)
This picture makes me laugh because I asked Alyssa if she knew what this present was and after she started unwrapping she gave me this 'know it all' face and said "I know it's scriptures."
She was super excited when she noticed her name was written on the scriptures.
Brock and Boston were so excited it was Alyssa's birthday. Boston asked if we could save the Happy Birthday sign so we could use it for his birthday.
Happy Birthday sweet darling Alyssa. We love you so much and hope you have an extra special day. Lots of Love, Grandpa Al and Grandma Suzie
Happy Birthday Alyssa! I love how excited she is about her scriptures!
Hi Alyssa HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We hope you have a great day!! We love you so much. I still remember the day you were born it was one of the most exciting days of my life!! I will never forget it! I am so glad you are in our family. We Love ya!!
Grandma and Grandpa Mikesell
Happy Birthday Alyssa. I hope you have a great day!!!! I can't believe you're going to be baptized!!! you are getting so old. we are so glad to have you as our friend. Have a great day. love Katie and Bailee
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSSA!!! I can't believe your already 8. Maybe we'll be able to be their for your baptism next month! I really hope so! We love you Alyssa! Love Jennifer, Nate, Reese and Chase
What a beautiful girl she is! I hope she had a Happy Birthday! I'm sure her baptism will be such a great day for her...and for you guys. It will be one you guys will never forget. Hope you're all doing well!
Happy late Birthday Alyssa! I can't believe your little girl is 8! She is beautiful and I love how excited she is to be baptised. What a special age!
that is sooooooooooooooo cool
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