My kids were all excited about trick-or-treating...they've been counting down the days. I was getting them ready and Brock was begging to be Hulk, (that's what he was last year) and Boston wanted to be a pirate (that's what he was 2 years ago.)
So I got the costume for Brock out and doing so I found Alyssa's old cow costume. I haven't seen Boston so excited about a costume yet! So the vampire costumes I made weren't a hit with my kids. Oh well, what's new.
Brock is flexing so hard that his mask covered his eyes. This picture made me laugh cause he insisted on wearing his cowboy boots with his costume.
I think we can all tell how happy Boston is to be wearing this cow costume. Note the flip flops...he wouldn't budge to change, he insisted on them.
I had to include this pic so you could see the flip flops. I'm not sure where Brock is.
Alyssa went trick-or-treating with her friends this year. She thinks she is getting so old:)
Me and Alyssa with our matching costumes.
Gentry took the boys, and I stayed home to pass out candy.
This picture is my boys exactly!
I think I might have to borrow your costume next year. Your kids look so cute. I'm kind of bummed that we weren't there to go trick-or-treating. Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween!! They all look so cute! Alyssa is getting so old, man I can't believe it! She is so pretty as are you! Love you guys!
Love the pictures. Alyssa sure has your eyelashes. She looks so old in the pictures. Love your costumes. The boys are so fun to see with their personalities.
Love the pictures especially the one of Alyssa. Se is so cute-and I can't believe that she is old enough to go trick or treating with her friends!
Love you witches skirts!! Your little family looks great!
Such a cute kids. Looks like they had a great day! Lucky Alyssa so glad she got your eyelashes:) She is growing up.
Love all the costumes!! You are beautiful witches!! And such a handsome Hulk and cow!! I love how they change costumes throughout the holiday! :) So cute!
Your little girl is gorgeous... just like mom. You all look fantastic! - what a fun Halloween. The Hulk is great, made me giggle a little.
I love yours and Allysa's costume. Look at you miss talented. I love when the adults dress up. Cutest kids.
Too cute Betsy!! The costumes are great! Where did you get your cute matching witch costumes? I love the Hulk costume as well! And there is nothing wrong with a little cow in flip-flops! :) Glad you all had a great Halloween!
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