It wasn't so bad. No one was mean, in fact everyone was nice. I didn't talk to a whole lot of people cause I was still sweating from nerves. It wasn't a huge turn out, and to all of you who missed it...I'm a little disappointed.
I can still remember my sister going to her 10 year, and thinking she was getting old. Well looky who's getting old? ME!!! Time flies and sometimes I still think I'm 18...let's be honest, most of the time I think I'm 18 unless it's at bed time when I'm going to bed the same time as every senior citizen, or out to dinner at the same time as all the "old people" cause the young ones don't eat until at least 7:00.
Well here are a couple pics from the event! I didn't take pics...which is a big surprise coming from me.
This is the only pic I got at the reunion.
Katie, Heather, Sunny, ME, Diana, Lindsay, and Allison.
Katie, ME:) and Diana.
Oh thank you for posting! I have been wanting to see pics!! :) You all look young and beautiful as you did in hs! I was sad we didn't make it just cause I wanted to see you gals!! But I guess we can do that without having to spend $50 on that:)! Too bad it wasn't more fun! Oh and Betsy you were never a brat in hs!!
I stole the picture off your blog because everyone is looking in the same direction. You were so not a brat in high school...I probably wouldn't have been friends with you if you were!! Just kidding.
PS. I go to dinner with the old people too-and to sleep at the same time as them too. Last night I think I feel asleep at 8:45 (I know I was watching Dancing with the Stars and feel asleep).
How fun! You all are beautiful! Wow, that means Nate's 10 year is next year... crazy!
Well, I have not gone real dark yet. I did some low lights last night. Level 6 and 7. I am not totally in love with it. It looks a little muddy and dull.
I have ALWAYS loved my new color, but, this is the first time I am not real happy. I am going back tonight for some adjustments ;)
What a fun time! Glad to hear that I didn't miss out on too much ;)
Man I can't believe it's been 10 years already... we really are getting old.
I wished I could have gone, nick was at work and I was sweating bullets too about going by myself. Im bummed cause I wanted to talk to you and a bunch of other people too that are my blogging friends! I didnt think you were a brat in high school, betsy, you were a sweetheart I were a sweetheart to me atleast! Anyway, you and all your friends look amazing and beautifuil. I would have looked like a run down cow next to you guys, so Im glad I didnt go! Im glad you had a good time though. I actually heard it was kind of lame, but..... well we can blame that on wes :) hahah jk. Glad you had fun!!
p.s. early bed times are under appreciated! I will hit the sack as early as I can and I dont care who knows it!!!
10 years!~ You are just a baby but a hot one at that. Look how good you and your friends look!
Betsy, if I looked like YOU...then I would PROUDLY go to my reunion! :o) Seriously, you look great. I'm sorry it wasn't much fun....but I'm sure it was good to visit with your friends and have a night out. I feel like a horrible person 'cause my life has been so crazy hectic lately and I haven't taken Bo to that hip hop class. I should have called you, but everytime I think about it....I just tell myself I'll do it later when I can HEAR....and then my life gets crazier and crazier. I've been the queen of procrastination lately. I've just been a giant flake, and I'm sorry. :o(
I need to post my 10 year pics. I guess it's the same as yours. I need to figure out how to get one of us from high school in there so we can see how downhill we have all gone. j/k
And that's why I didn't go... because you were such a brat. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? You were such a sweetheart - and you haven't changed a bit.
We all know who the real brat was :) That's why I hate it when people bring up memories about me because I feel so bad. It was so fun going with you.
Oh and I loved seeing more pics that Peter took on your blog! So cute!
You were not a brat! :) And you look even more beautiful 10 years later... don't know why you were so nervous!
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