Brock and Boston are usually best buddies. But there are times when they drive each other nuts. For example: Boston will take Brock's favorite shoes and run around the house with them, Brock following close behind. Our house goes in a circle so they go around and around until: 1. They catch each other 2.Trip on a rug, or 3. in this case Brock runs into the wall/window and hits his cheek on the window casing. (Is that how you spell it?) Anyway I keep thinking they will learn sooner or later but so far they just keep antagonizing each other.
Quick story about Boston. I don't have a picture of this one, but the other day it was time for school and Boston comes in the room with RED MARKER all over his lips. (My guess would be a horrible job of lipstick.) I asked what he was doing and he said it was fruit punch...yeah right. Sometimes I worry about that kid. Brock comes in after him saying "it's not fruit punch, but he looks like a grill!" (Brock's way of saying girl.)
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