Sunday, January 6, 2008

Twilight Detox

So first of all I am writing this to push the picture of me on my bike a little lower...(I get a little embarrassed when I check my blog for comments and see myself.) And I am OBSESSED with the stupid book series Twilight. I know all of you have already read them so you can understand my pain. I feel like I have to go through some sort of DETOX. Why do I love these books? Does anyone have any good books for me to read? I am so mad because I finished all three books in a matter of a couple days...and now I am supposed to wait until the fall of 2008? (Yes I realize we are in 2008, but you have to admit it sounded more dramatic by adding the year) COME ON!!! How long does it take to print a book?

So if you haven't read the books is the time. I am not much of a reader unless it's a short article in US Weekly, but I loved them so hurry and read up!...and leave me a comment on another good romantic novel. (Keep in mind that I suffer from ADD/ADHD or something like that so it has to be really good because I have the attention span of a dog:)


kassie said...

Betsy I feel the pain I loved them so much I think Jennifer read them again and loved them the second time. I will keep checking your blog to see if you get any comments about any other books. I've been trying to read Harry Potter and can't get through the first few chapters.That series was just so amazing you can go on line and read the first chapter of the book in Edwards perspective its really pretty good.Did you know there making a movie filming starts in Feb of 2008.

Di said...

I only read Twilight and I liked it. Although for me it took me a while to read it. It got better toward the middle/end. I'm the outcast I guess for not "totally loving it". Only one other person I know feels the same way. You'll have to tell me what happens in the other books since I probably won't read them any time soon, but I still want to know the details. So no recommendations from me, but I'm sure any Danielle Steele book is jam packed with juicy romance. Go Betsy for reading a series!

Lyndee said...

I LOVED all of them. It sucks because you can read them so fast and it takes forever to publish another book. I may read them agian so it is fresh when the 4 book comes out.
Betsy I need your help how did you do it with the boys when they were two? I think this is the hardest stage other than when they were newborns.

The Lind's said...

Betsy- I am glad you did google reader. It honestly save so much time. I still go back and like to read comments but I think it is the best. So I LOVED the books as well. I am slowly reading the 3rd because I don't want it to end!! Another book I loved was The Notebook. Actually the other night when we were at dinner Gentry was saying how he loved the movie. And I said the book is better. I honestly cried like a hour or so after I had finished the book. It's a tear jerker. I love those kind though. Kinda weird. But you should give it a whirl! I also read it before the movie. So I don't know. I think those are the only books I have read since high school. Just kidding. Anyway let me know what you think if you read it. Have a good one!

jen said...

I've had Twilight sitting by my computer for a month and haven't opened it. I'm afraid of what will happen to my kids and house if I start it. I feel like I have ADHD issues too so I guess if it was that good that you could sit and read it that I should be able to do it. Maybe I'll start it tonight.

The Bullocks said...

isn't it funny how the Twilight books can turn a nonreader into a reader. I love them. oh and I guess her other book (the host) comes out in May, so we'll have to get someone to read it for us and let us know what they think.
anyways I'll call you later so we can talk Twilight.

Clements Family said...

I am with you on the Stephanie Meyer books...I read them all in less than a week...I was a horrible mom during that time. HEather and I always go on her website...check it out. I am a big nerd and love to read...I love any book my Nicholas Sparks (he is the one who wrote the Notebook). There are a couple that go together. They are good love stories...not as addicting as Twilight, but they are really good.