Saturday, December 1, 2007

Snowy Days

So I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the snow. If it weren't for our families and friends I think we would live in a different state. (A state that doesn't have snow.) The kids want to like the snow, but when it comes to their snow gear this year there is just no enjoying. Brock's snow suit is way too small, but it's all we had this year. So that four inches around his ankles are not skin colored are getting a good look at his legs. The gloves would be Gentry's socks. (Hey I was just glad he used the socks without holes.) At least Alyssa wore pants under her snow suit. The kids are getting boots and socks for Christmas, so that's why they are wearing ankle socks with tennis shoes. Boston was the smarter one. He stayed inside drinking hot chocolate, wearing the one and only Mickey Mouse pj top with flannel pants that have a hole in the crotch. (For some reason this is his favorite thing to wear...even when it's not bedtime.)


510Jen said...

I miss Utah snow it is so fluffy. I know it sounds weird but Iowa snow is C R A P P Y. Good thing for Hot Chocolate right. Have you tried Stephens Peppemint? YUMMY.

Amy said...

Well, it's happened. Marti actually gave an accurate snow forecast. I know what your thinking, how is this possible? Could it be a fluke? Maybe. A lucky guess? Probably. A good copy of Kevin Eubank's (who can doubt that hand-me down white snow jacket) forecast? Definitely!!
Happy snow day :)

Lyndee said...

Looks like so much fun. I would be hangin with Boston. I like to look at snow but I am a baby and don't want to be in it. Looks like you guys got a lot. I love Brock's leg's. This is the first year my girls will see snow.

Chereebee said...

so funny Bets! What a trooper Brock is out there in his short pants and sock gloves - I love it!!

The Hulls said...

Boston looks so old, I can't believe it. We can't wait to see you guys in two weeks!!

Clements Family said...

How fun! It looks like they had fun, but I would much rather be like Boston drinking hot chocolate!

kassie said...

Hey next time it snows you'll have to brimg the kids up so we can take them sleding behind the horse my kids love it.

The Lind's said...

Poor little legs! That cannot be fun. I hate being cold, especially my feet! I am sure they are going to love their new snow attire!

Chad and Kelly said...

Hello Mikesells,
I found your blog through Lyndees. Your family is so darling! (it must be the gorgeous parents they have). I know that Chad asks about Gentry a lot when I tell him that I see him occationally on a Costco run. We'd love to get together.

Chad and Kelly said...

We are going to add you guys too. Funny story...Our little boy is still two and he only has missing teeth because he fell and hit them on the tile, so I think he'll be toothless until he is seven. So...tell your little one to be careful what they wish for.LOL