Sunday, November 4, 2007

Making fools of ourselves...big surprise.

Ok so part of me is a little embarrassed to even post this, but it was too funny not to tell. So we went to Chili's this weekend with our friends Mitch and Amy Dansie. While we were eating Amy starts freaking out hitting Mitch saying "Look it's Jerry Sloan!" So anyway Mitch...who is a huge fan starts freaking out too...Amy is like lets take a picture with our phone. Well I happened to have a camera in my purse, so I gave it to Amy. She actually went up to him and asked if she could take his picture. Well my stupid flash was turned off so when she got back we looked at the pictures and Mitch said they looked a bit like he had been microwaved. So I was determined to take a better picture with the flash, so when we got done with dinner Gentry went around the restaurant (outside) and found a spot through the window we could see him. So I go over there to take a picture (from outside). Gentry wanted to be in the picture too so he faked like he was going to the bathroom...and walked right by Sloan, well I was trying to take a picture of all of this and my flash worked this time. The flash worked so well that everyone in the restaurant knew I was taking a picture because they were all blinded by my camera's flash. They all looked over to me standing in front of the Chili's window. Yep I am officially an embarrassing idiot. Well it was fun anyway. Enjoy the picture Amy took, because the one I took didn't work AT ALL!! All of the embarrassment for nothing.


The Lind's said...

That is so funny! My favorite part is Gentry faking to go the bathroom to be in the picture! Did he pause behind him? That is too funny!! That makes me laugh!!

Di said...

Betsy I'm so glad you started a blog so I can laugh at funny stories like this. Your family pictures are so adorable! Alyssa is beautiful and your twins make me want to have twins...ok only for a second.

The Hulls said...

You guys make me laugh! Give Alyssa and Boston and Brock a hug from me okay. Thanks!

C.J.JACK said...

Hey first I was thiking I must have the wrong page because I only saw some geriatric guy- hee hee! Sorry, Gentry, I didn't recognize it was Jerry Sloan. Well, thank heavens for camera phones because no one would have ever believed it! Now it's recorded in the memory of Betsy's phone and several computers around the country.
Your kids are adorable. I would have loved seeing them in person. Chris would have given them a bucket of candy! Thanks for the update. We love you all!