My friend Lindsay has a food blog, and she has really cool drawings to win anything from a sandwich cutter to a ahem...A DRESS. So I entered one of the contests and I won! I was so excited! What's better than a cute dress??? WINNING ONE! Thanks Lindsay!
PS if you want to try for her cool contests...not to mention some fabulous recipes her blog is Not sure how to link this so you'll have to copy and paste the address to visit her blog.
I had Gentry take a quick pic before church...after I just inhaled a big ol blueberry no teeth showing cause they were chuck full of blueberries.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Alyssa's Gymnastics Recital
Alyssa had her gymnastics recital a few nights ago. She did really well. I was really impressed with all the talent these little kids have. It was really fun watching them tumble.
Alyssa skinned her knees a few days before this and she wanted to wear a florescent green bandage wrap...hmmm I think she wanted people to notice her injury.
It was hard to take pictures cause I was too far away and it was so dark, so this is the better of the pics.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Blanding Part 2
Well the whole reason I went to Blanding was to help Adrienne throw a baby shower for her sister in law Brittany. We had fun getting all of the details together. The reason Adrienne and I work so well is I come up with a random idea and poof...Adrienne gets it done.
Adrienne, Me, Brittany, Laura
The tables...
The food.
The drink.
The game.
Yes, we played the poopy diaper game.
The cake. (Diaper cake of course)
We made a diaper wipes container, and the topper is holding a onesie we rolled to look like a lollipop.
We made her an apron with all the Mommy necessities
-Binki clip, with binkis
-Lollipop onesies
-Hand sanitizer
-anti bacterial wipes
The gals that put this shower together:)
Thanks for letting me come have fun! And thanks to Adrienne's Mother in law Laura for financing the project:)
Blanding Part 1
So Gentry and I packed up Friday morning and drove down to Blanding with the kids. It was quite an eventful trip. I didn't need to bring instructions because I had already been there and I knew what I was doing....wrong. So I was so excited we were basically to Moab that I started texting Adrienne to tell her how close we were. Well as I am texting Gentry asked if he needed to get off the freeway at any point and I told him no, it would just come up. Well about 20 minutes after I had seen the Moab sign I started to get worried because I couldn't see any signs of Moab up ahead. Well stupid me...I didn't realize we were supposed to turn to go to Moab, instead we decided to go to Grand Jct, Colorado. So after we found the first place we could turn off, we followed a sign saying "Moab". Lucky for us we got to follow it going 20 miles an hour doing the "Scenic By The Way". Yep, we tacked on another hour or two to the drive.
(Just a little visual of the Scenic Route...)
The kids LOVED Blanding. They especially loved Ian and Adrienne's house with the 7 acres of land they could roam and build forts. It was super windy but they stayed outside playing for 2 days, with a few breaks to come in and eat.FORT NIELSON
The kids worked really hard gathering rocks, sticks and flowers.
And when you live in Blanding you apparently need one of these...the kids thought it was soooo cool.
Enjoying the ride.
THANKS ADRIENNE AND IAN for being such fabulous hosts!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Today my babies are turning 6. How time flies. I can't believe how grown up they are. They are so much fun to have around. I love these guys:)
Waiting at the top of the stairs to open their presents.
They got some new pajamas hoping to replace the Mickey he wears everyday.
They seemed to like the new pajamas.
Gentry found this helicopter floaty for the pool. They were really excited about it.
Brock FINALLY got his "skipchurs"
Grandpa Kim and Grandma Cyndy came up bright and early to give them their presents.
My Parents couldn't make it because they are too busy visiting this little guy.....MY NEW NEPHEW JETT.
Could he be any cuter?!? I'm so bummed I can't see him in person. He's only a week old. Jennifer is doing great according to my Mom.
I will post more pics later today...or tomorrow.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Does Mine Look Like Brock's???
Gentry wanted me to give the boys another obnoxious haircut and so I did. I was laughing so hard because later in the day Boston came up to Gentry and said "Does my hair look like Brock's?" Gentry said "No, yours looks normal" and Boston said "Oh good!"...Luckily Boston can't see the back of his head.
Brock's haircut
Boston's haircut:)
Don't worry Mom, I can always fix it later...
One more quick story:
Brock came in a few mornings ago with a dollar and some change and said "Mom, is this enough money to buy skipchurs?" I looked at him and I was so proud to be his mom. I couldn't believe he would ask if he could buy his own SCRIPTURES. So I repeated "You want to buy your own scriptures Brock?" He looked at me really weird and said "No, Mom know the shoes with the lights!" Immediately I was let down, I thought my sweet little boy wanted scriptures....well I was wrong he wanted SKETCHERS.
Don't worry Mom, I can always fix it later...
One more quick story:
Brock came in a few mornings ago with a dollar and some change and said "Mom, is this enough money to buy skipchurs?" I looked at him and I was so proud to be his mom. I couldn't believe he would ask if he could buy his own SCRIPTURES. So I repeated "You want to buy your own scriptures Brock?" He looked at me really weird and said "No, Mom know the shoes with the lights!" Immediately I was let down, I thought my sweet little boy wanted scriptures....well I was wrong he wanted SKETCHERS.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day Walk to Grandma's
We went to my Mother In Law's for dinner last night. We decided to walk there. When we got there Gentry told his Dad both of our cars broke down. You should have seen the look on his face. Poor guy was worried! We laughed and told him the kids wanted to go on an adventure. Gentry took pictures the whole way with his phone (2.6 miles each way).
I love this picture because it's so bright outside no one can keep their eyes open.
So the boys invented their own sunglasses.
We even saw some horses on the way...
..and walked through the Riverton Highschool parking lot.
On the way home Brock's feet hurt so I carried him on my back for a little bit. It's a good thing he's light.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
First and foremost I need to tell both my Mom and Mother in law Happy Mother's Day. They are some of the greatest Mom's I know. Heck, if it weren't for you guys...there would be no Betsy and Gentry:)...and wouldn't life be devastating without us? Actually, it had to take a TON of patience to raise me. Mom, I think I get it now...well a little bit.
I always would joke with the Primary kids at church that Mother's Day was my 2nd favorite holiday next to...well my birthday. And shouldn't that be a holiday? The kids were always really nice and sang extra loud for me on Mother's Day. But seriously, I do love Mother's Day now that I'm a MOM. I pull the "But will you do it for me cause it's Mother's Day?" card all day long. LOVE IT!
I woke up this morning at 6:30 (Alyssa asked me to sleep in.) So I came down and she and Gentry were making french toast. She actually knows how to make it herself. I thought that was so sweet. She is such a thoughtful little girl. She hurried to get me the present she made for me. It's such a cute picture I put it on my desk so I could see it everyday.
Then the boys eventually came down after sleeping in the two porta-cribs they set up in Alyssa's room. (They are so weird, but I didn't feel like battling them last night.) Gentry said we need to find a better hiding place to store the porta cribs.
Boston gave me his present and he had his teacher write on the card "I love you because you make my bed and make food for me." I think it's funny my kids always have food on their mind:)...just like their Mama!
Brock didn't give me my present until right before church. He couldn't find it. Luckily after looking I was able to find my own present so he could give it to me. On Brock's card he wrote "I love you because you make me a ROCK STAR" He was laughing before I even finished reading it. Boston was also totally excited for me to read it. I swear the humor of a 5 year old.
I can't forget Gentry. He is always taking care of me. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He left a note on the computer for me...he knows me all too well..gotta check that email. I don't know how long I'd last if I didn't have him to help me raise these three kids. He is always making me laugh, even if it's at the kids expense from teasing them or just repeating a line from a TV show we watched together. He always has me entertained. Thanks to my family for making today a great one!
Hope you BOTH have a great day!
I always would joke with the Primary kids at church that Mother's Day was my 2nd favorite holiday next to...well my birthday. And shouldn't that be a holiday? The kids were always really nice and sang extra loud for me on Mother's Day. But seriously, I do love Mother's Day now that I'm a MOM. I pull the "But will you do it for me cause it's Mother's Day?" card all day long. LOVE IT!
I woke up this morning at 6:30 (Alyssa asked me to sleep in.) So I came down and she and Gentry were making french toast. She actually knows how to make it herself. I thought that was so sweet. She is such a thoughtful little girl. She hurried to get me the present she made for me. It's such a cute picture I put it on my desk so I could see it everyday.
Then the boys eventually came down after sleeping in the two porta-cribs they set up in Alyssa's room. (They are so weird, but I didn't feel like battling them last night.) Gentry said we need to find a better hiding place to store the porta cribs.
Boston gave me his present and he had his teacher write on the card "I love you because you make my bed and make food for me." I think it's funny my kids always have food on their mind:)...just like their Mama!
Brock didn't give me my present until right before church. He couldn't find it. Luckily after looking I was able to find my own present so he could give it to me. On Brock's card he wrote "I love you because you make me a ROCK STAR" He was laughing before I even finished reading it. Boston was also totally excited for me to read it. I swear the humor of a 5 year old.
I can't forget Gentry. He is always taking care of me. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He left a note on the computer for me...he knows me all too well..gotta check that email. I don't know how long I'd last if I didn't have him to help me raise these three kids. He is always making me laugh, even if it's at the kids expense from teasing them or just repeating a line from a TV show we watched together. He always has me entertained. Thanks to my family for making today a great one!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My little sister Jennifer is having her 3rd baby next week, and so my Mom is flying out to be with her. My boys will be turning 6 on May 20th and wanted to go to Build A Bear for their birthday. My Mom decided to take them before she heads out of town.
The boys were so excited to go, it was so much fun watching them. I was actually surprise how much Brock loved it too. I knew Boston would love it, but I couldn't believe how much Brock loved it too.
Boston making a wish with the bunny's heart. It was so cute Brock closed his eyes to make a wish too. They took it very serious.
The lady asked how they wanted their bear filled. Brock said more stuffing and Boston said soft and cuddly. Just like I knew they would.
Boston chose a bunny, and Brock chose a bear. I think they were really excited about it.
They even took bath time VERY serious. After wards, they were still talking about their whole experience.
My Mom let them pick out an outfit Brock chose a Star Wars bear and Boston chose a shirt that says "IT'S A BOY!" with jeans. Hmmm...why am I not surprised at what they both chose? They had a BLAST! Thanks MOM!!!
Boston making a wish with the bunny's heart. It was so cute Brock closed his eyes to make a wish too. They took it very serious.
The lady asked how they wanted their bear filled. Brock said more stuffing and Boston said soft and cuddly. Just like I knew they would.
Boston chose a bunny, and Brock chose a bear. I think they were really excited about it.
They even took bath time VERY serious. After wards, they were still talking about their whole experience.
My Mom let them pick out an outfit Brock chose a Star Wars bear and Boston chose a shirt that says "IT'S A BOY!" with jeans. Hmmm...why am I not surprised at what they both chose? They had a BLAST! Thanks MOM!!!
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