Sunday, August 24, 2008

"The Lagoon"

I'm naming this post "The Lagoon" and you are all wanting to correct me, I know. So let me explain.
I have the greatest sister in law Kassie who called me a couple of days ago and told me she had tickets to Lagoon. I wanted to go, but hesitated a bit because Gentry was going to be in Vernal working, and we all know I don't do anything without him connected to my hip. Anywho...I decided what the heck..I'll attempt it. So I went and I survived. Well sort of.

First things first. If you ever want to go to Lagoon, ask my mother in law to go with you. Holy cow, she said she was going to bring a couple snacks and drinks for the kids. Little did I know she brought a cooler FULL of yummy treats and drinks. (She even included several Diet Cokes...yes she is a saint.) I'm the slacker mom who thought I could feed them lunch and then maybe buy a treat while we were there, stop on the way home for a little something. That was just stupid thinking. If it weren't for my mother and sister in law my kids would have been impossible. They took them on rides gave them treats, and had me go on some of the bigger rides with Kamri and her friend. (Alyssa actually joined us for a few of the "big" rides.) Yes it was fun.....until the ride WICKED. (Even Alyssa wasn't dumb enough for that ride.) Of course Kamri tried to tell me it's not really scary, so I said "sure, why not". Then I saw the ride. HOLY COW! I about died. I'm still not sure how I can talk after screaming so loud. Every bone on my body hurt. EVEN MY ANKLES...and we all know how sturdy those bad boys are. (wink wink.)

So all in all we had a great time. Thanks again to Kassie and Cyndy for all your help, tickets and survival food. My kids keep asking when we can go back to "The Lagoon". I've corrected them, but they still like to add THE when referring to Lagoon. (And that is why I titled the post "The Lagoon".

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What the????

Ok so what do you do when your husband has a toothache and your kids are bored out of their mind? How about throw your kids a "Pretend Birthday". My kids wanted to have a cake, and so I asked whose birthday it was. They couldn't think of anyone, so I asked if they wanted to pretend like it's their birthday. Of course that was the best idea that they have ever heard so that's what we did. I made a cake and (drum roll please) I even had CANDLES!!! That's a first for me. For those of you who remember I had to use a scented Yankee candle for Alyssa to blow out a few years ago, because I didn't have anything else to use. Luckily she was too excited about her party to even notice.

I have to write this or I'll forget it, but we were eating the cake and Alyssa said it was the "Best cake ever", Boston said the frosting was really good, and Brock said "I even like the bread" (He meant the actual cake part.)

One final story. The kids were out in the backyard and they heard the ice cream man coming so they came running in the house to ask if they could get ice cream. I told them no, but they could look through the window and watch him drive by. Brock yells to me "Hey Mom, it's not a bad guy!" (I told them sometimes bad guys drive ice cream trucks) Anyway I thought it was funny cause he was trying to convince me to let them get ice cream.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First Day of Pre-School.

OK so I'll be honest with you. This day couldn't have come soon enough. After the last 11 days of dealing with tonsil-less kids I was ready to have a break.

The boys were excited to start school, and I think they wanted to get away from me just as much as I wanted them to go to school. I had a great 2 1/2 hour break, and I was excited to see them again. They had fun with their teacher and classmates.

PS I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but don't get your kids' tonsils out...IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!! We had a really hard 2 weeks, and I am not sure I'm fully recovered. Although last night was the first night they didn't come into my room crying. (If we don't count the wake up visit from Brock at 4:45 AM...I was about ready to get up anyway)

Saturday, August 9, 2008



A couple of my friends did this on their blogs and it is so fun to see all of the memories. so be sure and post this on your blogs next.

As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you (if you already haven't). It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Yes we have had a really long weekend. All three of my kids had their tonsils and adenoids taken out. (Brock also got another set of tubes in his ears.) So needless to say we have all had a hard weekend. (What was I thinking doing them all at once?...Oh ya that it's a good thing, because if I did them separate we would only have one surgery done. There is no way I'd do this again!)

So surgery day we couldn't let the kids eat anything when they woke up, so Gentry the "electrician" tied the doors of the fridge together with electrical wire. (I wish I had a picture of that you'd get a laugh.) We left for the hospital and the kids were all pretty excited.

Before surgery the anesthesiologist asked what flavor the kids wanted to smell in their masks and the kids were excited to pick the flavor. Then it was after surgery our "weekend" started.

Boston woke up happy as can be. He was eating his root beer Slurpee and said. "Mom they didn't take my tonsils out, they just made me smell the grape stuff." I laughed but was glad he came out of happy.

Brock had a hard time and went back to sleep. By the time he really woke up he was ready for chocolate ice cream. He ate two bowls and finished off Boston and Alyssa's ice cream in the car.

Alyssa had the hardest surgery and the hardest recovery. She's been such a sport, but getting her to eat or drink is a challenge. She is really good about taking her medicine though, so hopefully she gets better quick. I know she's excited to get back to school.

Gentry brought the queen mattress from the guest room in our bedroom and set it on the floor. Gentry and I spend the nights on the floor while the kids get our king size bed. (What you do for your kids.)

Hopefully my next post will be a little more cheerful! Thanks to everyone for all the frozen treats and thoughtful calls!