I'm naming this post "The Lagoon" and you are all wanting to correct me, I know. So let me explain.
I have the greatest sister in law Kassie who called me a couple of days ago and told me she had tickets to Lagoon. I wanted to go, but hesitated a bit because Gentry was going to be in Vernal working, and we all know I don't do anything without him connected to my hip. Anywho...I decided what the heck..I'll attempt it. So I went and I survived. Well sort of.
First things first. If you ever want to go to Lagoon, ask my mother in law to go with you. Holy cow, she said she was going to bring a couple snacks and drinks for the kids. Little did I know she brought a cooler FULL of yummy treats and drinks. (She even included several Diet Cokes...yes she is a saint.) I'm the slacker mom who thought I could feed them lunch and then maybe buy a treat while we were there, stop on the way home for a little something. That was just stupid thinking. If it weren't for my mother and sister in law my kids would have been impossible. They took them on rides gave them treats, and had me go on some of the bigger rides with Kamri and her friend. (Alyssa actually joined us for a few of the "big" rides.) Yes it was fun.....until the ride WICKED. (Even Alyssa wasn't dumb enough for that ride.) Of course Kamri tried to tell me it's not really scary, so I said "sure, why not". Then I saw the ride. HOLY COW! I about died. I'm still not sure how I can talk after screaming so loud. Every bone on my body hurt. EVEN MY ANKLES...and we all know how sturdy those bad boys are. (wink wink.)
So all in all we had a great time. Thanks again to Kassie and Cyndy for all your help, tickets and survival food. My kids keep asking when we can go back to "The Lagoon". I've corrected them, but they still like to add THE when referring to Lagoon. (And that is why I titled the post "The Lagoon".