So first of all I am writing this to push the picture of me on my bike a little lower...(I get a little embarrassed when I check my blog for comments and see myself.) And I am
OBSESSED with the stupid book series
Twilight. I know all of you have already read them so you can understand my pain. I feel like I have to go through some sort of
DETOX. Why do I love these books? Does anyone have any good books for me to read? I am so mad because I finished all three books in a matter of a couple days...and now I am supposed to wait until the fall of 2008? (Yes I realize we are in 2008, but you have to admit it sounded more dramatic by adding the year)
COME ON!!! How long does it take to print a book?
So if you haven't read the books is the time. I am not much of a reader unless it's a short article in
US Weekly, but I loved them so hurry and read up!...and leave me a comment on another good romantic novel. (Keep in mind that I suffer from ADD/ADHD or something like that so it has to be really good because I have the attention span of a dog:)